July 08, 2015
♒B O D Y♒
- Head: The Shops - #TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(f) - Fierce
- Body: The Shops - #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body(f)
- Eyelashes: VCO ~ Vivi's Eyelashes
- Hair: Eaters Coma - HAIR 41 / Mocha
♒W H A T I ' M W E A R I N G♒
- Bikini: Stories&Co. - Betty Swimsuit - Mint
- Septum: MONS / MESH - Unisex Septum Ring
- Hair flower: Miamai_Romance_Comb 01_RoseGold
- Eyeliner: *Sinful Curves*- Eyeliner Set 7
♒T U N E♒